StockHero is a member of the Stripe Climate Change project. This means that we contribute a percentage of our revenue towards projects that help mitigate the harmful effects of greenhouse gases (GHGs). GHGs lead to global warming and is a major cause of extreme and adverse weathers we are experiencing today.

The StockHero team believes that life is not just about receiving, but about giving. We give so that our future generations can be taken care of. We care for a tomorrow in which our sons and daughters can have a safe and conducive environment to live in.

In this article, we share on the progress report sent to us by Stripe (our credit card payment processor).


Thank You, Novum Global Ventures

In May, you helped fund Charm Industrial’s first-ever offtake agreement. Stripe Climate was Charm’s first customer in 2020, so we’re particularly excited to see them go from concept to scale-up in just three short years. As an early customer, you’ve played an important role shaping Charm’s trajectory.

You funded 14 early-stage carbon removal companies that we just added to the Stripe Climate portfolio, and you were the first customer for 10 of them. Based on their own projections, these companies could collectively remove more than half a million tons of CO₂ annually by 2026.

Stripe climate change funding

How we find and fund

We direct 100% of your Stripe Climate contributions to buying durable carbon removal via Frontier. We aim to act as an early customer to help promising new technologies, selected in partnership with scientific experts. Your contributions increase the likelihood the world has the portfolio of solutions needed to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

### END UPDATE ###

We would like to thank all of our users for choosing StockHero as their stock trading bot solution.

Together, let us help to make the world a better place.